EVENT! Hue: Using Color to Create a Space you Love
I'm excited to be co-hosting Hue: Using Color to Create a Space you Love with Shannon Kaye, on March 1st, from 1-4 pm. Shannon is a bay area artist, color consultant and former host of Fresh Coat, on the DIY channel. You can see some examples of her work at her website. Together we're hosting this interactive workshop on using color to create a space you love. See details below.
This is a great opportunity to take away some inspiration for giving your space a fresh look and to rub elbows with a group of interesting people. Whether you're thinking of buying a home, selling yours or just want to freshen up a space you love, this promises to be a special afternoon.
Register here to reserve a spot at the table. We love meeting new people! Use the promo code LUCKYYOU to attend as our guest.